BIM101 - an insight is a true industry wide collaboration, and a FREE to attend event.
There are 2 BIM101 workshops being held in Auckland on 22 August. One in the morning and a second in the afternoon.
Designed to disseminate the learnings of the highly successful 2015 'BIM best in practice NZ' seminars, 'BIM101 - an insight' will give industry attendees a base view of BIM, while discussing the need to change current construction design, documentation, and delivery practices.
The workshop will outline the potential for BIM to help effect that change, and will do so in a format that is designed to cater for those who either have no knowledge of BIM, or who to date have been resistant to the BIM concept.
Removing barriers to BIM adoption is one of the key aspects of BIM101, hence the FREE workshops.
There are 9 BIM101 workshops being held across 6 locations in New Zealand during August/September. Register at BRANZ for this event by clicking on the link above.