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BIM AK - March 2018 Event

  • Auckland GHD, Level 3, GHD Centre, 27 Napier Street Auckland (map)

Attendance is FREE. Food and drinks will be provided but pre-event registration is essential.

All attendees are required to register prior to the day of the event.

Event Programme:

5.30pm - Doors Open / Networking
6.00pm - Welcome and Introduction - BIM AK Committee
6.05pm - Sponsors address - GHD

6.10pm - Presentation 1 - Steve Davis, Assemble - An Overview of the Establishment Phase of the BIM Process:

Steve will provide an overview of the establishment phase of the BIM process, focussing on the NZ BIM Handbook's key principles, and how this relates to project procurement.

6.25pm - Industry Panel Discussion:

A panel of industry experts from a broad range of backgrounds will discuss whether current procurement models are effective for the implementation of BIM and true collaborative processes. The discussion will be moderated by Andrew Reding (BIM Acceleration Committee), and audience participation in the debate will be actively encouraged. The panel includes;

  • Andrew Field, Principal - Advisory Services at Beca, Information Management and Digital Delivery - BECA
  • Steve Ritchie, Project Director, Auckland Regional Operations Manager - Hawkins
  • Chris Vorster, BIM Manager - Architectus
  • Client Organisation Representative - TBC
  • Subcontractor Representative - TBC

7.30pm - Drinks and Networking
8.00pm - Event Closed

Later Event: May 15
BIMsiNZ - May 2018 Event