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BIM AK - August Event

  • Auckland GHD, Level 3, GHD Centre 27 Napier Street, Freemans Bay (map)

Attendance is FREE. Food and drinks will be provided but pre-event registration is essential.

All attendees are required to register prior to the day of the event.

Event Programme:

5:30pm - Doors open/networking
6:00pm - Welcome and Introduction - Andrew Reding (Productivity Partnership/BIM Acceleration Committee)
6:10pm - Sponsors Address - GHD
6.15pm - Presentation 1

Presentation 1 - Mark Horrocks, Central Innovation - Collaboration Workflows

Using Model Checking software to find Issues with your collaborators models is one thing, to explain to them where the issues are within their own models can be the hard part.

"It’s the duct running near Grid D on level 4 by the main Lifts" - there could be any number of ducts there, there could be 1000’s of duct segments in the entire project. Using BCF files to streamline this process, Mark will run through the issue resolution workflow using Solibri, Revit and KUBUS BCF Manager plug-in.

About the Speaker:

Mark Horrocks Is the BIM Collaboration Specialist at Central Innovation.

Originally trained as a draftsman, Mark has worked on a number of large and small scale architectural projects in both New Zealand and the UK. His knowledge relating to architectural data transfer and IFC systems makes him a valuable asset to those wishing to learn more about file collaboration in this industry.

6.45pm - Robert Amor - University of Auckland - European Conference Summary
7.00pm - Intermission and Drinks Break
7.05pm - Presentation 2

Presentation 2 - Mark Thomas, NextSpace - BIM and 3D Asset Management beyond Construction

Using BIM models to go beyond Building Information Modellingto Building information Management requires a fresh look at the way data and models are handled. To fully realise the value of 3D models in the asset management stages post construction, requires a new way to handle the storage, management and linking of data from multiple sources and the ability to create easy to use data interaction tools designed for very specific processes. This reduces training time, cost and data entry errors. Mark will present new approaches to data integration and analysis for asset management based on a background of aerospace and plant & process systems.

About the Speaker:

Mark Thomas - CEO Nextspace

Mark’s background is in engineering, computer graphics and business this is combined with an extensive experience as a technology entrepreneur. He has founded and run businesses’ involved in CAD/CAM, AEC, visual design, entertainment and communication since the mid-eighties, Mark was founder and CTO of Right Hemisphere designing the 3D visualization technology delivered to a breadth of entertainment engineering and plant and process companies including, Schlumberger, Disney, Weta, Electronic Arts, Nike, Boeing, Chrysler and many others.

7.35pm - Drinks and Networking

8.00pm - Event Closed

Earlier Event: August 22
BIM.well - August Event
Later Event: September 13
BIMsiNZ - September Event