Attendance is FREE. Food and drinks will be provided but pre-event registration is essential.
All attendees are required to register prior to the day of the event.
Event Programme:
5.30pm - Doors Open / Networking
6.00pm - Welcome and Introduction - BIMsiNZ Committee
6.05pm - A word from the sponsors
6.10pm - Presentation 1 - Matthew Duder, EBOSS - 2018 BIM Survey Results
The fifth and final survey in this series of five has been completed this year, taking another snapshot of the state of BIM uptake across the New Zealand Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Industry. Matthew Duder from EBOSS will present the findings of this year's survey, taken across a broad spectrum of the NZ industry, including designers, construction companies, and facility owners and managers.
6.25pm - Presentation 2 - Phil Lazarus, Aurecon - WASTE & REWARD: Outlining The Commercial Opportunities Of Digital In Delivery And Operations
Phil Lazarus has spent his career leveraging digital technology to the benefit of designers, builders, and owners. As a licensed architect and MBA, he has an intimate understanding of the balance between technology’s promise for our industry, and the need for a solid business rationales in implementation. Based upon experience from digital implementations for construction management and property development, in this presentation, he will discuss:
The commercial realities of project delivery and asset operations.
How digital integration drives mitigates risk while enhancing financial outcomes.
What the DIGITAL FUTURE looks like, and we must do today to secure tomorrows return on investment.
7.05pm - Presentation 3 - Grant Taylor, Caduceus - Hazard Documentation Made Seriously Simple
Grant will show how the Hazard Viewer tool significantly reduced the risk of Health & Safety breaches with respect to Asbestos Management for a large property owner.
The Health & Safety at Work Act and the Asbestos Regulations 2016, present some major challenges in delivering an effective Safety Risk Management Plan for existing buildings.
Ensuring the right people have access to this information at the right time, and that they understand the hazards, presents a major risk to contractors and building owners
By increasing access and comprehension of Site Safety and Risk information through powerful visual representation, BIM technology can help transform hazard documentation into an easily accessible tool that everyone can use to manage risks properly.
7.25pm - Networking
8.00pm - Event Closed