Is NZ BIM use maturing? NZ BIM Survey 2020 results released

This is the seventh survey in a series originally planned to total five, and is the longest longitudinal BIM use survey that we’re aware of in the world. It’s objective is to follow progress being made in accelerating the introduction of BIM into New Zealand.

This seven year series follows an industry control group of large and influential organisations in New Zealand’s built environment, allowing developments in BIM’s introduction to be monitored. This year the control group has been expanded to compensate for changes in the New Zealand Construction industry.

For the fifth year we have also carried out the client survey which focuses on asset owners and managers in order to better understand the progress of BIM use in facilities and asset management. A separate survey of BIM use by subcontractors has also been carried out.

The BIM Acceleration Committee has now completed two full three-year terms and is in the first year of the next term. During this period the overall proportion of industry projects using BIM in New Zealand has risen from 34% to 68%. 

Once again the BIM Acceleration Committee (BAC) considers itself fortunate to have had the continuing support of BRANZ, a number of large private sector organisations and several Government Ministries, as we face challenging times with the onset of COVID-19 and all the uncertainty that has generated.

Our sincerest thanks go once again to our partner, EBOSS, for its investment in managing and sponsoring these surveys; and to those organisations forming the industry, subcontractor and client survey groups. These surveys are critical in allowing a very complete view to be formed of the progress being made in BIM’s introduction and identifying barriers to its implementation.

Finally, should any reader of this report have any suggestions for improvement, please don’t hesitate to e-mail BIMinNZ at or raise the issue at one of the regular BIM network meetings now taking place in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch (see for more details).