Is BIM Use Maturing? NZ BIM Survey 2017 Results Released:

This is the fourth survey in a five-year series that follow progress being made in accelerating the introduction of BIM into New Zealand. This five-year series follows an industry control group (industry) of large and influential organisations in New Zealand’s built environment, allowing developments in BIM’s introduction to be monitored. For the second year we have also carried out the client survey (client) which focusses on asset owners and managers in order to better understand what progress BIM is having in facilities and asset management.

Additionally, this year, we have carried out a wider survey of industry participants, the survey population arising from those who participated in the “BIM 101” or BRE training in the past couple of years. This was undertaken to test whether BIM uptake in New Zealand was different among smaller organisations than those comprising the industry control group; and, if this was the case, did this wider cohort perceive different barriers to BIM adoption. This research is reported on

Once again the BIM Acceleration Committee (BAC) considers itself fortunate to have the continuing support of MBIE, BRANZ and a number of large private sector organisations as it enters its second three-year term in its effort to accelerate BIM’s introduction into New Zealand. Our sincerest thanks go to our partner, EBOSS, for its investment in managing and sponsoring these surveys; and to those organisations forming the industry, client and wider survey groups. These surveys are critical in allowing a very complete view to be formed of the progress being made in BIM’s introduction and identification of barriers to its implementation.

Finally, should any reader of this report have any suggestions for improvement, please don’t hesitate to e-mail BIMinNZ at, or raise the issue at one of the regular BIM network meetings now taking place in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.

Kind Regards
Chair, BIM Acceleration Committee

Formed in 2006, EBOSS hosts a comprehensive architectural product library, with an active audience of 35,000 architects, designers, main contractors and tradespersons. At EBOSS we are interested in improving the communication of BIM information through the construction value chain and appreciate the opportunity to partner with the BIM Acceleration Committee and sponsor this research initiative.