New Zealand Metadata standards review:

Asset Metadata Standards - Workshop Schedule

LINZ, the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment, and Treasury have worked with infrastructure managers across both central and local government organisations, and the private sector, to develop standards for capturing, describing, storing and analysing data for potable, waste and storm waters and residential housing and light commercial buildings.

As you maybe aware, draft standards were released in 2016 to the industry for feedback. This feedback has been compiled and is now in the process of being mapped to the latest version of the draft standards. This work is due for completion by the end of March. For those interested in reviewing these documents further (and/or attending the workshops), they will be made available via a simple and free registration process – you can expect more information on how to access these documents in mid-April.

In order to ‘finalise’ the standards so they are ready for release (and therefore industry adoption), a facilitated series of technical workshops have been planned. The upcoming meeting schedule is as follows:

]Technical workshops – 1st round (in Wellington)

  • 1st May - 8am-noon – Water volume 2

  • 1st May – 1pm-5pm – Buildings volume 2

  • 2nd May – 8am-noon – Water volume 1

  • 2nd May – 1pm-5pm – Buildings volume 1

  • 3rd May – 9am-noon – contingency workshops/meetings as needed

Technical workshops – 2nd round (in Wellington)

  • 24th May – 8am-noon – Water volume 2

  • 24th May – 1pm-5pm – Buildings volume 2

  • 25th May – 8am-noon – Water volume 1

  • 25th May – 1pm-5pm – Buildings volume 1

To register interest in attending these workshops, please email Elissa McIntosh -